A Guide to Technology Stacks — From thesoftwareguild.com

In Web development, three stacks — front-end, back-end and full-stack


This type of software development involves all the parts of a website that a user can see and interact with. In designing a site, the goal of front-end developers is to make sure that the format is easy to read and navigate.

  • HTML, the structure of a Web page that holds content such as text and media
  • CSS, the styling of HTML elements that brings forth the design of a website
  • JavaScript, the component that controls interaction on a page, such as having a “required” field on a contact form refuse to process unless it is filled in.


Back-end development focuses on servers, applications and databases. Developers build and maintain the technology that powers those three components using a multitude of programming languages, libraries and other existing software. For complex websites that require features outside of front-end capabilities, back-end development is a necessity.

Pranjal Jain
2 min
8 cards

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